編號 | 英文 | 中文 |
1 | temperature (°C) | 溫度(攝氏) |
2 | weather | 天氣狀況或現象 |
3 | probability of precipitation (%) | 降雨機率(%) |
4 | comfort index | 舒適度 |
5 | maximum temperature (°C) | 高溫(攝氏) |
6 | minimum temperature (°C) | 低溫(攝氏) |
7 | precipitation (mm) | 雨量(毫米) |
8 | sunrise (hh:mm) | 日出(時:分) |
9 | sunset (hh:mm) | 日落(時:分) |
10 | water level | 潮位 |
11 | time | 時間 |
12 | tidal height (cm) | 潮高(公分) |
13 | high tide | 滿潮 |
14 | low tide | 乾潮 |
15 | wind direction | 風向 |
16 | wind (Beaufort scale) | 風力(級) |
17 | wave height | 浪高 |
18 | gust wind | 陣風 |
19 | temperature | 氣溫 |
20 | relative humidity | 相對溼度 |
21 | pressure | 海平面氣壓 |
22 | accumulated precipitation | 累積雨量 |
23 | visibility | 能見度 |
24 | ultraviolet index | 紫外線指數 |
25 | rain | 雨 |
26 | rain shower | 陣雨 |
27 | freezing rain | 凍雨 |
28 | supercooled rain | 過冷雨 |
29 | drizzle | 毛雨 |
30 | freezing drizzle | 凍毛雨 |
31 | supercooled drizzle | 過冷卻毛雨 |
32 | snow | 雪 |
33 | rain and snow mixed | 雨夾雪 |
34 | snow shower | 陣雪 |
35 | rain shower and snow mixed | 陣雨夾雪 |
36 | snow pellets | 霰 |
37 | snow grains | 雪粒 |
38 | ice pellets | 冰珠 |
39 | small hail | 小雹 |
40 | hail | 雹 |
41 | snow storm | 雪暴 |
42 | blowing snow | 高吹雪 |
43 | diamond dust | 冰稜(或鑽石塵) |
44 | fog | 霧 |
45 | ground fog | 低霧 |
46 | shallow fog | 淺霧 |
47 | ice fog | 冰霧 |
48 | mist | 靄 |
49 | drifting snow or blowing snow | 吹雪 |
50 | drifting snow | 低吹雪 |
51 | blowing snow | 高吹雪 |
52 | spray | 浪沫或浪花 |
53 | dew | 露 |
54 | white dew | 白露 |
55 | hoar frost | 白霜 |
56 | ice columns | 冰柱 |
57 | rime ice | 霧冰 |
58 | air hoar | 樹霜 |
59 | rime/soft rime | 霧淞 |
60 | hard rime | 霜淞 |
61 | glaze or clear ice | 雨淞 |
62 | snow cover | 積雪 |
63 | snow crust | 冠雪 |
64 | freezing | 結冰 |
65 | tornado or spout | 龍捲或漏斗雲 |
66 | haze | 霾 |
67 | dust haze | 塵霾 |
68 | yellow sand | 黃砂 |
69 | smoke | 煙 |
70 | ash fall | 降灰 |
71 | drifting and blowing dust or sand | 吹塵或吹沙 |
72 | drifting dust or drifting sand | 低吹塵或低吹沙 |
73 | blowing dust or blowing sand | 高吹塵或高吹沙 |
74 | dust storm or sand storm | 塵暴或沙暴 |
75 | dust whirl or sand whirl | 塵旋或沙旋 |
76 | thunderstorm | 雷暴或雷雨 |
77 | lightning | 閃電 |
78 | thunder | 雷聲 |
79 | agrometeorology | 農業氣象學 |
80 | anemometer | 風速計 |
81 | barometer | 氣壓計 |
82 | barometric pressure | 氣壓 |
83 | Beaufort wind scale | 蒲福風級 |
84 | climate | 氣候 |
85 | climatology | 氣候學 |
86 | cold surge | 寒潮 |
87 | data assimilation | 資料同化 |
88 | Doppler weather radar | 都卜勒氣象雷達 |
89 | drought | 乾旱 |
90 | El Nino | 聖嬰 |
91 | flash flood | 暴洪 |
92 | front | 鋒面 |
93 | heavy rain | 大雨 |
94 | La Nina | 反聖嬰 |
95 | Mei-Yu | 梅雨 |
96 | meteorology | 氣象學 |
97 | monsoon | 季風 |
98 | nowcasting | 即時預報 |
99 | numerical weather prediction | 數值天氣預報 |
100 | rain gauge | 雨量器 |
101 | severe weather | 劇烈天氣 |
102 | extremely heavy rain | 豪雨 |
103 | tropical cyclone | 熱帶氣旋 |
104 | tropical depression (TD) | 熱帶性低氣壓 |
105 | tsunami | 海嘯 |
106 | typhoon | 颱風 |
107 | weather chart | 天氣圖 |
108 | weather forecast | 天氣預報 |
109 | Weather Integration and Nowcasting System (WINS) | 天氣資料整合暨即時預報系統 |
110 | weather modification | 天氣改造 |
111 | weather outlook | 天氣展望 |
112 | World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | 世界氣象組織 |
113 | data buoy | 資料浮標 |
114 | marine meteorology | 海洋氣象學 |
115 | spring tide | 大潮 |
116 | storm surge | 風暴潮 |
117 | swell | 湧浪 |
118 | tidal forecast | 潮汐預報 |
119 | wave forecast | 波浪預報 |
120 | accelerometer | 強震儀 |
121 | aftershock | 餘震 |
122 | Earthquake Rapid Reporting System | 地震速報系統 |
123 | epicenter | 震央 |
124 | fault | 斷層 |
125 | focal mechanism | 震源機制 |
126 | foreshock | 前震 |
127 | hypocenter | 震源 |
128 | mainshock | 主震 |
129 | plate tectonics | 板塊運動 |
130 | Richter magnitude | 芮氏規模 |
131 | seismic belt | 地震帶 |
132 | seismicity | 地震活動 |
133 | seismograph | 地震儀 |
134 | seismology | 地震學 |
135 | moment magnitude | 地震矩規模 |
136 | astronomical almanac | 天文日曆 |
137 | lunar eclipse | 月食 |
138 | meteor shower | 流星雨 |
139 | solar eclipse | 日食 |
140 | sunspot | 太陽黑子 |
141 | Climate Variation and Severe Weather Monitoring and Forecasting System Development Program | 氣候變異與劇烈天氣監測預報系統發展計畫 |
142 | Taiwan Strong Motion Instrument Program (TSMIP) | 臺灣強地動觀測計畫 |
編號 | 英文 | 中文 |
1 | Secretariat | 秘書室 |
2 | Planning Division | 綜合規劃組 |
3 | Observation Division | 大氣觀測組 |
4 | Numerical Information Division | 數值資訊組 |
5 | Marine Meteorology and Climate Division | 海象氣候組 |
6 | Technology Development Division | 科技發展組 |
7 | Remote Sensing Division | 海氣遙測組 |
8 | Budget, Accounting and Statistics Office | 主計室 |
9 | Personnel Office | 人事室 |
10 | Civil Service Ethics Office | 政風室 |
11 | Seismological Center | 地震測報中心 |
12 | Weather Forecast Center | 氣象預報中心 |
13 | Southern Region Weather Center | 臺灣南區氣象中心 |
14 | Taipei Astronomy and Weather Station | 臺北天文氣象站 |
15 | Hualien Weather Radar Station | 花蓮氣象雷達站 |
16 | Wufenshan Weather Radar Station | 五分山氣象雷達站 |
17 | Kenting Weather Radar Station | 墾丁氣象雷達站 |
18 | New Taipei Weather Station | 新北氣象站 |
19 | Hualien Weather Station | 花蓮氣象站 |
20 | Hsinchu Weather Station | 新竹氣象站 |
21 | Taichung Weather Station | 臺中氣象站 |
22 | Tianzhong Weather Station | 田中氣象站 |
23 | Chiayi Weather Station | 嘉義氣象站 |
24 | Kaohsiung Weather Station | 高雄氣象站 |
25 | Hengchun Weather Station | 恆春氣象站 |
26 | Taitung Weather Station | 臺東氣象站 |
27 | Yilan Weather Station | 宜蘭氣象站 |
28 | Su-ao Weather Station | 蘇澳氣象站 |
29 | Keelung Weather Station | 基隆氣象站 |
30 | Penghu Weather Station | 澎湖氣象站 |
31 | Kinmen Weather Station | 金門氣象站 |
32 | Matsu Weather Station | 馬祖氣象站 |
33 | Zhuzihu Weather Station | 竹子湖氣象站 |
34 | Anbu Weather Station | 鞍部氣象站 |
35 | Sun Moon Lake Weather Station | 日月潭氣象站 |
36 | Xinwu Weather Station | 新屋氣象站 |
37 | Alishan Weather Station | 阿里山氣象站 |
38 | Yushan Weather Station | 玉山氣象站 |
39 | Dawu Weather Station | 大武氣象站 |
40 | Lanyu Weather Station | 蘭嶼氣象站 |
41 | Dongjidao Weather Station | 東吉島氣象站 |
42 | Pengjiayu Weather Station | 彭佳嶼氣象站 |
43 | Administrator | 署長 |
44 | Deputy Administrator | 副署長 |
45 | Chief Secretary | 主任秘書 |
46 | Director | 組長 |
47 | Director | 主任 |
48 | Deputy Director | 副組長 |
49 | Deputy Director | 副主任 |
50 | Chief Accounting Officer | 主計室主任(薦任) |
51 | Chief Personnel Officer | 人事室主任(薦任) |
52 | Chief Civil Service Ethics Officer | 政風室主任(薦任) |
52 | Senior Specialist | 專門委員(具專業技術) |
53 | Senior Executive Officer | 專門委員(一般行政) |
54 | Senior Technical Specialist | 技正(簡任) |
55 | Technical Specialist | 技正(薦任) |
56 | Chief | 科長 |
57 | Station Chief | 天文站、氣象站主任 |
58 | Secretary | 秘書 |
59 | Specialist | 視察(薦任具專業技術) |
60 | Executive Officer | 視察(薦任一般行政) |
62 | Specialist | 編審(薦任具專業技術) |
63 | Executive Officer | 編審(薦任一般行政) |
64 | Executive Officer | 專員(一般行政) |
65 | Officer | 科員、薦任科員 |
66 | Clerk | 辦事員 |
67 | Associate Clerk | 書記 |
68 | Associate Technical Specialist | 技士(薦任) |
69 | Assistant Technical Specialist | 技士(委任) |
70 | Associate Technical Specialist | 技佐(薦任) |
71 | Junior Technical Specialist | 技佐(委任) |
72 | Chief Researcher | 約聘主任研究員 |
73 | Researcher | 約聘研究員 |
74 | Associate Researcher | 約聘副研究員 |
75 | Assistant Researcher | 約聘助理研究員 |
76 | Accounting Officer | 主計員 |
77 | Personnel Officer | 人事管理員 |
78 | Clerk | 約僱人員 |
79 | Senior Systems Engineer | 約聘高級系統工程師 |
80 | Systems Engineer | 約聘系統工程師 |
81 | Assistant Systems Engineer | 約聘助理系統工程師 |
82 | Technician | 約僱技術員 |
83 | Maintenance Worker | 工友 |
84 | Temporary Worker | 臨時人員 |
85 | Technical Worker | 技工 |
86 | Security Supervisor | 駐衛小隊長 |
87 | Security Guard | 駐警隊員 |
88 | Substitute Civilian Serviceman | 替代役役男 |
89 | Research Assistant | 研究助理 |
90 | R&D Substitute Service-Associate Researcher | 研發替代役-副研究員 |
91 | R&D Substitute Service-Assistant Researcher | 研發替代役-助理研究員 |