Temperature (℃) | Precipitation | Wind Speed
(m/s) /Dir.(360°)/Date |
Relative Humidity (%) |
Mean Pressure |
Number of Days with Precipitation >=0.1mm |
Sunshine Duration
Station | Mean | Max/ Date |
Min/ Date |
(mm) | Max. | Gust | Mean | Min/ Date |
(hPa) | (day) | (hour) |
- T is rain trace, indicating that the precipitation is less than 0.5mm.
- Maximum 10-min wind: The maximum average wind velocity measured by a observatory for10 minutes during a specific period.
- "X" means no recorded value or indicates instrument malfunction.
- The main direction of the wind is the wind direction.
- Maximum instant wind: maximum gust, which is the maximum instant wind velocity measured by an observatory during a specific period.
- Yushan Station was struck by lightning from 2021/5/30 to 2021/6/6, resulting in no observation data during that period.
- The original Banqiao Station was relocated to Xindian on January 1, 2023, and renamed New Taipei Station.
- SU-AO station (467060) has been cancelled on 2023/3/31.