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  • Lightning information update every 5 minutes.
  • Each image shows lightning distribution in the past hour.
  • Symbol Description:
    • red circle
    • yellow circle
    • green circle
    • blue circle
     stands for in-cloud lightning
    • red plus
    • yellow plus
    • green plus
    • blue plus
     stands for cloud-to-ground lightning
  • Color Description (as the Color Table): :
    Red stands for lightning happening in the past 5 minutes.
    Yellow stands for lightning happening between the past 5 and 10 minutes.
    Green stands for lightning happening between the past 10 and 30 minutes.
    Blue stands for lightning happening between the past 30 and 60 minutes.

    Color Description:
    • 55 minutes
    • 1010 minutes
    • 3030 minutes
    • 6060 minutes
  • If the latest lightning image is not shown, it is suggested to refresh the browser to update the information.
Weather Graphs